Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Laughing Dog Issue 22 - 2013

The feeling I had when opening the envelop containing issue 22 of the Laughing Dog -- an Arizona based journal of poetry published by Subsynchronous Press -- was that of some nostalgia, mixed with pleasure of course, and a hint of relief as well.

Pleasure is obvious. I am always enchanted to have work published all around the world. Relief because I wondered if I would receive this copy one day as I have been moving a lot these last few years and could not remember what actual address the editors had with them.

Nostalgia, yes, sweet and prickly at the same time

Memories of the late 90s early 2000s when mgversion2>datura was still called Mauvaise graine and was printed on paper, photocopied from the local printer's. I receive some French journal that are still printed that way, journals I used to submit, and still submit to from time to time, journals I contributed to quite often and whose editors are long-time correspondent. Journals I like and to which I subscribed because supporting small presses is something every editors and writers or poets should do, despite the lack of money sometimes. Editing a literary journal is costly, especially when it is printed. Usually, the price charged by the editor does not even cover the cost of sending the copies for one year, even with a subscription plan.

Besides, this journal was started in 2000, the year when I place Mauvaise graine in hiatus before it all started again two years after, online, and re-baptized. That felt also strange to realize that my journal had been put to an undefined sleep at the time and that another one, across the Atlantic and most of the northern American continent had been given life.

Anyway, I really felt like being sent back some twenty or at least fifteen years ago when I received the 2013 issue of the Laughing Dog in which appear two poems -- "Here We Go Again" and "A Cycle" from the unpublished collection The Loss from which many poems have already been published here and there and others will be in the near future.

I am also proud to have my work and name appearing alongside with such poets as Valentina Cano, J.J; Steinfeld, Lyn Lifshin, A.J. Huffman, Apryl Salzano, and so many others whose talent I am happy to have discovered in these humble but so precious pages.

Thank you Hillary Lyon and Warren Andrle, Laughing Dog editors. You do a brilliant and crafty job.


Current issues are $5.00 each, back issues are $3.00. Unfortunately, some issue are out of stock. For orders and queries, contact us at Please put “Orders” in the subject line. We do not do subscriptions at this time.

Laughing Dog Issue 22, 2013

Jeffrey C. Alfier, Valentina Cano, Joseph Friedrichs, Ray Greenblatt, Gerald Grubbs, Dawnell Harrison, Robert Head, A.J. Huffman, B.J. Jones, Joan Payne Kincaid, Lyn Lifshin, Patrick Longe, Mark J. Mitchell, BZ Niditch, Anne Britting Oleson, Simon Perchik, Richard King Perkins II, Walter Ruhlmann, Dennis Saleh, April Salzano, Dawn Schout, J. J. Steinfeld, MK Sukach, Davide Trame, Stephen Witty

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